photographer ▶shinji watanabe
hair & make up ▶miho araki
commercial photo 2012/5
this magazine is the special one for photography.
this magazine is the special one for photography.
先日発売されたばかりのそのなかに ふわっとこんな作品がのっています。。。
yesterday, it was issued and in that issue, this pictures are there.
yesterday, it was issued and in that issue, this pictures are there.
しんじさんの作る世界観は はかなくダークで でも艶めいててウルウルな感じ♡
だいすきだなあ♡i like the story and situation SHINJI SAN, the photographer makes. it is kindda from the under ground way, but is quite attractive, and peaceful.
しんじわたナーベー × みほっぷあらーきー × ミー
Shinji Watanabe!!! Miho hop Arahkeeee!!! and ME!
we are so cool team----------♡
thank you so much for all the time, kiss!
please take a look, alright?